Out and about recently with my daughter, if you look closely (hint, the ears!), you’ll see what her grade 8 graduation gift from me was (the third image shows it):

(Equipment Used: Canon EOS-1D MarkIV and the Canon 85 f1.2L lens.)
We were waiting for friends, on their front porch, to go and check out a local gallery, and I captured a few shots of Rebecca’s purse (that she made) with all her cool buttons. And then a shot of Rebecca and Alison (who I’ve blogged about before, she LOVES Rebecca, see this blog posting from Halloween 2008, 6th photo down, of her with Rebecca) as we walked to the gallery:

Then Rebecca and I went off to the Sewing Studio, so she could finish up her graduation dress. I blogged about the fabric choice for the dress before, and can’t wait to photograph Rebecca in the completed dress:

by Holly