With my iPhoneography update today I wanted to share the exciting news that I was named the 2010 iPhone Art Grant winner! I’m excited and happy to be part of this new art medium. Watch for more news on my iPhoneography art in the future!
All of the following were taken and processed on the Apple iPhone 4, here is a recent favourite:


More latté art:

Some recent shots out and about in the city:

Shots from the end of fall in the city:

by Holly
Congratulations!!! I just happened to notice this post and am thrilled for you. You have SUCH talent and an incredible eye for beauty in the world. How wonderful for you!
Thank you Karen!
spotted the link to these photos from your google+ account. great work. i have a question about one of them. you used the word app on a photo of city buildings and the words aren’t covering the building. how were you able to erace the words where you didn’t want them? did you layer and erase or mask? i can’t find an app that will allow me to put two of the same photos…one on top of the other and keep them in the same size. when i try blender the top image is smaller than the lower image. this is hard to explain. does it make sense to you?
Hi Linda,
I usually use FilterStorm to blend two images together, as you can mask out what you don’t want. Do you have that app?