I haven’t posted an update of all the household cats for a few months, so this is long over due! I was having fun shooting with my two brightest lenses, the Canon 50 f1.4 lens & Canon 85 f1.2L lens. I love the shallow depth of field from these two lenses, and the beautiful bokeh.
Zoe, enjoying the deck:

Alice, being silly on the arm of the sofa:

Finnegan also loves the deck, but he must be tethered, as he’s a bit too adventurous:

Zoe, chilling inside:

A few more of Alice:


And a few more of Finnegan:

(Equipment used: Canon EOS-1D MarkIV (new version of this camera is the Canon EOS-1D X Digital), Canon 50 f1.4 lens & Canon 85 f1.2L lens)
by Holly