The following were taken on the 23rd and 24th of July. The babies continue to grow, and as you can see the largest is really getting his feathers in. It probably won’t be long until he leaves the nest.

Here you can see the difference between the youngest, on the right, and the eldest, in the middle.

You can see how much the feathers have come in, they are growing fast!

I love this shot of youngest and oldest chest to chest, you can really see the difference in their developmentL

The eldest almost looks like he’s got the whole nest to himself in this shot! The little nest is getting quite crowded:

Thought this was a bit of a funny shot, as the babies are all facing the wrong way, and not towards their mother, but they could obviously sense that she was there!

If you enjoy these images keep watching the blog! I will be posting more in the days to come….
by Holly