Wow! Didn’t realize I was so far behind in posting some images!
This one is from about two weeks ago, out and about running some errands:

We stopped by the local vet’s to visit kittens, again:

This past Sunday, once we determined that the weather was going to hold, we decided to make use of a free family pass to Centreville on Centre Island. Here’s a shot of Rebecca on the ferry on the way over to the Island:

Rebecca and Noah exit the Haunted Barrel Works ride at Centreville:

Rebecca on the Log Flume Ride:

Rebecca and Noah enjoying the roller coaster:

During dinner Noah was creating steam from his iced drink, can you see it?

Here Rebecca holds up what Noah choose to get instead of dessert, and funnily enough he named this little guy “Dessert”!

“Dessert” even went for a ride with Noah, see him there? They both had a great time! 😉

At 8:15 pm we caught the ferry back to the mainland, I caught this shot of the skyline:

Then this shot of Rebecca with the skyline in the background:

And who could resist shooting this sky? Beautiful colour and amazing cloud formation as well!

Noah, with Rebecca in the background:

On Monday afternoon we went to the park and I caught this shot of ‘Maggie’s’ nose:

Here is Maggie, a 9-year-old Golden Retriever that Rebecca just LOVES, she is a very sweet dog:

Maggie’s paws:

One more of Maggie:

Rebecca against the fence at the baseball diamond:

As we were leaving the park the children pointed out a beautiful sunflower right beside the school:

On Tuesday we went for haircuts, here is the after of Rebecca:

And here is the after of Noah, isn’t that a great haircut? 😉

And one more of Rebecca, who was happy to show off her new do:

That’s all for the moment!
by Holly