Meet Teddy! She’s a sweet apricot standard poodle, and we had a great session this past Saturday, perfect weather!
I love this first shot, such a water dog activity!

Teddy was a bit excited, so it was a bit of a challenge to get her to lie down and stay put! But I managed to capture this shot of her:

Teddy is extremely protective of her owner, Liz. Whenever someone came along the path she would watch them until they were out of sight. Here she is watching a gentleman that came past while we were shooting. Of course the very positive side to this behaviour was that I could capture her standing still…if not always facing the correct direction!

This was at the end of our hike through the ravine, she’s still a bit wet from the water she played in:

Back home Teddy hangs out on her front step:

Then I caught this shot, which I love, inside on the bench at the back of the kitchen:

She is such a sweet dog, and by the end of the session had really warmed up to me, so much so that it was hard to photograph her as she kept coming right over to me, nuzzling me and looking for love. Thanks Liz and Teddy for the wonderful session!
by Holly