The kids and I went down to Kensington Market this past Saturday with a friend. I decided to ONLY bring my lensbaby to shoot with as I haven’t done much shooting with it lately.
Rebecca, giving me the ‘look’:

In the Blue Banana Market, they have these cool pieces of artwork going up the stairs, numbers and @ sign, cut out of steel (or something) and painted. I thought the colour and texture was cool so took some macro shots with the lensbaby of the edges:

After we were hungry, so got some yummy meat patties, Noah was having fun watching the pigeons overhead:

Noah bought some funky glasses at the Blue Banana Market:

Caught this last shot of Noah, laughing, as we arrived back at the car:

On Sunday we headed down to Bloor Street to run some errands (the following were all shot with the 85 1.2L):

After our errands we went to the ‘big rock’ in Yorkville. Rebecca sat and applied nail polish, which didn’t end up being a great idea when she started moving and messed it up!

They both had fun running around on top of the big rock:

We stopped and had some lunch at Whole Foods on the way home:

I managed to get in front of the kids to capture a few shots:

Noah stopped in at the corner store, and Rebecca and I waited for him:

Noah is happy with his haul of sour keys (bag in left hand):

Today Noah and I baked yummy Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies…watch for photos in the next few days….
by Holly
OOO I so want a lensbaby. Great shots, looks like you all had alot of fun.