Yes, another photo update of Alice, two days in a row! But this one is to celebrate my Pet Photography Q & A on If you own a cat, you must check out this fabulous blog about all things cat related. Many thanks to Kate for profiling/interviewing me for her blog!
I couldn’t resist capturing Alice as she crammed herself into an empty space on my messy desk. She wanted to be close to me I guess! (Equipment Used: Following two images captured with the Canon EOS-1D MarkIV and the Canon 85 f1.2L lens.)

How could I resist capturing her hanging out in my daughter’s laundry basket? And with the sunlight flooding in from behind her, too perfect to pass up! And Alice couldn’t pass up the cozy bed the clean clothes offered that night either! (Following images captured with the Canon EOS-1D MarkIV and the Canon 85 f1.2L lens, expect for the full laundry basket image which was captured with the Canon 24–70 mm f2.8L lens and the Canon 580EX II Speedlite.)

It was Alice’s day to climb into things as Noah found her in the garbage can in the bathroom, silly kitty! (Following images captured with the Canon EOS-1D MarkIV, Canon 24–70 mm f2.8L lens and the Canon 580EX II Speedlite.)

by Holly
Oh, she is so adorable! Love the garbage can ones, silly kitty!
Thank you for doing the interview and thanks for all the AWESOME technical tips! I’m totally in love with Alice!