It was a beautiful summer day in May, and I had a super fun family session last week with Lauren, Murray and their Mom & Dad.
(See “My Camera Equipment” in footer section for links/more information on camera equipment used. Primarily used the Canon 1DMkIV and the Canon 85mm f1.2L lens in the following images.)
Isn’t Lauren simply adorable? Those blue eyes, and blond ringlets, LOVE this shot:

Big brother Murray is blond and blue-eyed too!:

We started the session walking to the local park:

Love this shot of Lauren hanging on to her dad’s finger, so cute!

The whole family:

Murray and his Dad having fun together:

Murray enjoying the park (LOVE the bokeh in this shot!):

We finished up back at the house, how could I resist getting some shots of Murray in his cool bedroom? I couldn’t!

Maybe some parents wouldn’t be keen on this image, but I think it’s adorable, and would be guaranteed to take you back to that time in your children’s life:

Thank you to the H-Family for a fun family shoot!
by Holly