A big catch-up post today! Didn’t have a chance to post anything last week, busy fitting in work for the short week with the holiday this past Monday.
All of the following were taken with the iPhone 4, except where noted (all iphoto photography is processed with apps on the iPhone 4).

Rebecca with her outfit she created at The Sewing Studio camp she attended in August, and trying out makeup for a trip to FanExpo (she ended up going much lighter on the makeup, but we sure attracted stares from drivers on Avenue Road!). Left hand column images were taken with the iPhone 4, the rest were taken with the Canon 1DMkIV and the Canon 85mm f/1.2L lens. (See “My Camera Equipment” in footer section for links/more information on camera equipment used.)

Out and about with the kids, at a restaurant, downtown, local ice cream shop, at my mother’s for dinner (where Rebecca brought a friend, Noah is enjoying playing with his iPod Touch):

Have to include some shots of Alice! All but two were taken with the iPhone 4, otherwise the Canon 1DMkIV and the Canon 24-70mm f/2.8L lens:

Last batch is just a bunch of random shots from the iPhone 4:

Off to an EatSavvy shoot tomorrow, so watch for photos and links to the recipes soon!
by Holly