You may remember Kris and Tim’s maternity shoot, well their beautiful son Max has arrived! We met up at a downtown hotel for the shoot.

When I first arrived, Kris was downstairs having her hair done, so dad Tim kept Max happy, as Phoebe supervised. The shoulder shot was when we went downstairs to see Kris, as Max was hungry! I adore that shot, reminds me of when my children were babies, so adorable! Enjoy it while you can Kris and Tim, they grow fast! 🙂

Awww, isn’t he just the sweetest?

Captured a BIG yawn after a feeding, then just hanging out. Max made this shoot easy!

The funny faces babies make!

We finished up with some group shots. Thank you Kris and Tim (and Max!) for another wonderful shoot!

by Holly
AAAAH! We love them! Tim just said “she has an eye… she knows what she’s doing!” LOVE THEM. OH gosh – so pleased!
Thank you Kris! I’m always so thrilled when my clients are thrilled! 🙂 Of course you guys make it so easy… 🙂 Hope we can do a family shoot in the future, when Max is toddling around.
OH YES! We’ll be frequent flyers, so long as business is good! 😉