Images from Vermont

Some images from my photography workshop in Vermont.

(See “My Camera Equipment” in footer section for links/more information on camera equipment used.)

The first four images were shot with the Lensbaby lens:





Next two photos of pumpkins were shot wide open with the Canon 85 f1.2L lens:



Shot intentionally dark and moody with the Canon 100 mm f2.8 macro lens at f2.8:


The next five images were shot with the Lensbaby lens:


This one was shot with no aperture disk installed, creating extremely shallow depth of field:




Embracing the blur and the pattern of the mushroom:


The instructor of the workshop loaned me his Canon 70–200 f2.8L IS lens, as I did not bring mine. Hoping to get some close-ups of cows and horses before trip is through:


Plane to Vermont: iPhone Photos

Flying down to Vermont yesterday I had a chance to make fun use of my iPhone camera, completely inspired by Chase Jarvis and his gallery of iPhone photography.

Most of these images were processed on the iPhone with the wonderful “Camera Bag” application. Flying down on a small propeller plane (less then half full), ended up being a ton of fun because of the photographic opportunities, looking forward to the flight home for more shots!

(Stripes in some of the photos are the blades of the propeller that created interesting effects.)
























The K Family: Family Photography, Toronto, Ontario

Oh, it was SO hard to limit my sneak peek for this adorable family! They were the winning bidders for a gift certificate that I donated to the POGO Gala this year.

We met up at a park close to where they live, which I hadn’t been back to since my last shoot there almost two years ago. It’s a great location!

(Equipment Used: Shot entirely with the Canon 85 f1.2L lens and the Canon 24–70 mm f2.8L lens.)

Emma was such a sweetie! As soon as she saw me she reached out and I ended up carrying her over to the playground. Look how adorable she is!


Her brother Nathan was such a cutie! He looked like a model, and he kept himself busy running around most of the time, 🙂


Love this shot, almost everyone is looking at me! 😉


“AWWWW!” Which is what my daughter said when she saw this shot, and I concur! So sweet!


Nathan and his Dad share a moment in the playground:


Absolutely ADORE this series of backlit shots! Emma and her mom, so adorable!! (Shot wide open at f1.2 with the Canon 85 f1.2L lens.)


You would recognize these steps if you looked at the link above to the other family shoot, great spot for a family photo!


Love these shots of Dad playing with his daughter, so fun!


Loved Emma’s outfit, strong bold colours, matching hair ribbon, perfect for the shoot:


LOVE this one! Caught it almost at the end of the shoot:


Oh, this sweet moment between mother and son takes me back to when my children were that age, so precious!


Thank you Sally and Yong! It was my pleasure to meet and photograph you and your children!

Body in Balance: Corporate/Headshots Photography, Toronto, Ontario

Dr. Vanessa Arnold, of Body in Balance, needed some up-to-date shots of herself and her studio space for a new website design. Her mom also helped out as the “patient/client”.

My fabulous friend, Janine, from, did the make-up for the shoot and, as per usual, she did a fab job! Wish I had her available to do make-up for me every morning!

Once again, loving my Canon 85 f1.2L lens for the headshots taken outside, everyone of the following (except for the 3rd shot), was taken with this awesome lens from Canon. The other lens I used at the shoot was the Canon 24–70 mm f2.8L lens, which was used for the interiors, except for the last two (in office) shots which were taken with the 85. (See “My Camera Equipment” in footer section for links/more information on camera equipment used.)

Kept it simple for the headshots, with a couple of wardrobe changes, we were very happy that the rain held off for the whole shoot!






(Equipment used: Canon EOS-1D MarkIV (new version of this camera is the Canon EOS-1D X Digital), Canon 24–70 mm f2.8L lens, and the Canon 85 f1.2L lens)

LeslieSeptember 25, 2009 - 1:38 am

Your pictures have such depth to them. I like how you have a glowing white light in each but it’s not washed out at all. Bravo!

The G Family: Family Photography, Toronto, Ontario

Jeanine was the winner of the Project Love photo shoot (see this blog post), and we had a wonderful time in a local park last Friday with her adorable daughter, Brigitte.

(See “My Camera Equipment” in footer section for links/more information on camera equipment used.)

We started off with a swing, can you tell she loves swinging? 😉


Loving the dreamy bokeh that the Canon 85 f1.2L lens produces, really is my favourite lens:


Loving the look of concentration on Brigitte’s face, and her beautiful eyes! (Shot with the Canon 24–70 mm f2.8L lens, which is much better at close-up work then the 85!)


Every mother experiences this, babies love their mommy’s necklaces!


Absolutely ADORE this shot! Brigitte looks too cute, and mom smiling in the background, can you say perfect?


We actually did the shoot at my local park, so guess who came by to say ‘hello’ during his recess break? My son Noah’s school is attached to the park where we did the shoot:


Mom and daughter having a swing:


Love this moment too!


It was a beautiful day for the shoot, sunny and warm with no rain, perfect:


At the very end I caught some wonderful backlit shots:


Thank you for spending Friday morning with me Jeanine and Brigitte!