The Hearts of Abby: Family Photography, Toronto, Ontario

Today, continuing the sneak peek for the O-Family, I thought I would upload one of the ‘heart’ photos. This was shot with a lensbaby G3 lens, which is a selective focus lens. A heart shaped creative aperture disk is installed which causes the specular highlights to show up as hearts. The hearts don’t show up as strongly as they would have if we’d had a background of out-of-focus lights, but you can see them all around, if you look. My Hearts & Stars blog post shows a clearer example of how well the shapes can show up if the specular highlights are more pronounced.


I hope you like the hearts Abby! 🙂

Gordon McGregorNovember 6, 2007 - 11:14 am

I really like it a bit more subtly used, like this. I have a tendency to beat people over the head with effects like that, shooting with an entire christmas tree worth of lights behind the head or something 🙂

Now that gives me an idea – cut a christmas tree shape out of my spare aperture disks – think that’ll be happening this year!

HollyNovember 6, 2007 - 11:35 am

Ok, Gordon, I’m going to have to have a discussion about how and what you use to cut your aperature disks. I wasn’t having much luck with my halloween attempt. Maybe next year!

O-Family Shoot, Family Photography Toronto, Ontario

In keeping with ‘November is blog posting month’, I will be posting sneak peeks of a family shoot I did yesterday throughout the week.

It ended up being a great day, even though we had a bit of rain come down (but made valuable use of the time, as you shall see in the coming days, with the macro shots of the beautiful girls). Here’s a shot I love of the whole group:


Thanks Shannon! I had a great time and captured some wonderful images. Check back over the course of the week for more sneak peeks. 🙂

A Favorite from my B-Family Shoot, Family Photography, Toronto, Ontario

In keeping with National Blog Posting Month, and my attempts to post every day, I am posting another favorite from my B-Family shoot last month. You can see more, from this shoot, on my old blog here.

I just love the interaction between father and daughter in this photo:


[…] next few days. Here is a storyboard from my B-Family Shoot. (Of which you can see more in this blog entry and from my old blog as […]

[…] Going back through my catalog of photos, for the second last day of ‘national blog posting month’. […]

[…] Going back through my catalog of photos, for the second last day of ‘national blog posting month’. […]

[…] next few days. Here is a storyboard from my B-Family Shoot. (Of which you can see more in this blog entry and from my old blog as […]

Stars & Hearts

Playing with the lensbaby lens with the star-shaped creative aperture disk installed. It changes all out of focus points of specular highlights (bright points of light) to stars.




The following are with the heart shaped aperature disc installed. They are a bit grainy due to the low light…it is getting darker earlier, and the days are about to get dark an hour earlier!


My son, goofing around, makes it looks like he’s scared of the hearts…they’re coming for him! lol

[…] had a background of out-of-focus lights, but you can see them all around, if you look. My Hearts & Stars blog post shows a clearer example of how well the shapes can show up if the specular highlights are […]

[…] had a background of out-of-focus lights, but you can see them all around, if you look. My Hearts & Stars blog post shows a clearer example of how well the shapes can show up if the specular highlights are […]


Some photos from halloween, first a couple from the Halloween Parade at school:

Rebecca, in her Goth outfit/make-up:

Noah, in his put together creepy costume:

On the way to trick-or-treating. Lensbaby lens with the star creative aperture disk, which turns points of light into stars: (I attempted to make a Halloween shaped disk, but ran out of time…maybe next year!) (edited to add: I forgot that I had these cool Halloween borders from Pink Ink Studios!)

Here are a few of Rebecca and Alison. It was quite dark at this point so the photos are rather grainy due to high iso setting on the camera. All of shots, from Halloween night, are shot with the lensbaby lens, with the star aperature disk installed.

Various Halloween pumpkins from the night:

Until next year…happy halloween!

Gordon McGregorNovember 2, 2007 - 2:53 pm

Ooooh, a pumpkin shaped aperture disk – that could work!

I tried one a few months back with quite a bit of detail in it and it actually worked out surprisingly well.

Little christmas trees might work too…

HollyNovember 2, 2007 - 2:59 pm

Hi Gordon,

Did you use one of the blank discs that came with the creative aperature kit? I had heard that it was a good idea to try it on black poster board first, but had a devil of a time cutting it accurately. What did you use? Have any photos to share?

[…] I’m a bit behind in my blog posting! Another Halloween has come and […]

[…] I’m a bit behind in my blog posting! Another Halloween has come and […]