Our friends Ken, Deborah, Alison and Harry (who live just around the corner from us), recently brought home a BEAUTIFUL black standard poodle puppy, whom they call “Madeline”.
Isn’t she just gorgeous???

She is just so perfectly proportioned too! Perfect miniature of her future adult self.

Her face is a bit messy after her meal!

She’s chewing on the tail of her stuffed toy rat, in case you’re wondering what the heck that is! 😉

Their cat’s are adjusting very well! Misty has no problem hanging out on the couch with puppy, kids and strangers all about:

Roblin is chilling as well. (Yes, Roblin is missing an eye, she was adopted from the Humane Society, and her eye had to be removed due to infection.)

And then, I thought, I should take some photos of my daughter’s pet hamster, Norbert, especially since I had photographed her brother’s pet beta fish, Dragon, quite a while ago!
Here Norbert tries to escape—that’s my theory anyway!:

LOVE the bokeh in this shot!

Photographing a hamster in low light is very challenging, they twitch very fast! Would love to do some more photos of Norbert, but in better light next time!

by Holly
awww, I’m glad I’m not the only one that takes pictures of my hamster -haha
I have a dwarf roborovski hamster named Pixel 🙂
Holly, Great pics as always. Merry Christmas to you and your Kids and Please say Merry Christmas to your Mom and Monica.
Love Cathy xxoo