My daughter and I went to meet with the principal of her new school today, here’s a shot on the way:

I would have liked a catchlight in her eyes, but there are no windows in the hallway! But I love the out-of-focus background in the shot…so I uploaded it just for that!

A shot taken inside one of the classrooms:

On the way home we visited a local vet who had kittens in his window. Did you know there is such a thing as ‘kitten season’? (I found that out one year when I asked the vet why he didn’t always have kittens in his window…and he said it wasn’t the season for kittens!)
We liked this one the most:

This funny little guy (gal?) always had one eye closed!

After school Noah went digging in the sand pit that he and his friends have been building (tunnels, planting ‘trees’, etc.) for the last few weeks:

Sometimes it’s really hard to get him to look at me when I’m trying to take his picture…I think he’s sick of the camera! lol

by Holly