Trying to catch up on my blogging, here is the first of a number of posts to come.
Friends went away skiing for March Break, so my daughter and I were on cat sitting duty. I decided to take a few photographs, since the house was quiet with no kids or excited puppy. You may remember these pussy cats from an earlier blog post, in this shot it’s hard to tell that Roblin only has one eye:

Misty was much more co-operative:

I was playing around that weekend with an extension tube attached to my Canon 100 mm f2.8 macro lens, so I could focus even closer then usual, and captures some more shots of Rebecca’s hamster Norbert, whom you may remember from earlier blog posts (also including the link above). Here he is climbing for his beloved milk drop:

And here he is finding said beloved milk drop:

Will blog more today, this is the first of four updates to my blog.
by Holly