I thought I should give another lens some loving, rather then using my Canon 85 f1.2L lens all the time, all of the following where shot with the Canon 24–70 mm f2.8L lens.
Absolutely ADORE this shot of Harry, who came over one day after school to have a play date with Noah. Love the look he is giving me, and the hair askew across his forehead, and, as always, loving the red hair, freckles and green eyes:

Extreme backlit shot in the doorway:

Managed to get Noah to stand still for a minute for a photo after Harry left:

Last Saturday Noah had a birthday party to go to, so Rebecca and I spent some girl time together and went shopping.

(Blur at the edges are her hands, but I still like the shot.)

Under the cool bridge:

Further down Yonge Street:

Last shot before we went inside to go shopping:

We were inside and underground for the whole afternoon, and didn’t realize what the weather was doing outside! We came out to scary dark clouds and very windy conditions so hi-tailed it home!
by Holly