(**UPDATE** you can see the sneak peek, from Jeanine’s Project Love Photography Session, here.)
First of all, thank you so much to everyone who entered! It was a difficult decision to make, but with the help of my fellow judges, Monica, from Just Around the Corner (an upscale neighbourhood newsletter about local shops and services), and Janine, from beautygeeks (a fabulous blog about ALL things beauty), I have come to a decision.
Congratulations to Jeanine! Jeanine sent me the following email:
Hi Holly,
Thought I’d give the contest a whirl. I would LOVE to win so I could have some pictures taken of me and my beautiful baby daughter Brigitte. It’s just the two of us and although I love taking pictures of her (she’s 5 months now) we have very limited pictures of the two of us which I can snap with a free hand 🙂
I’m 41 years old – getting pregnant with Gigi was my 40th birthday present :).
I’m so lucky to have her and would love to have some pictures that show this.
Thanks so much,
And demonstrating how difficult it is to photograph herself and her daughter, she included this image:

Congratulations again Jeanine, I will be emailing you shortly to set up our session date! And for those that entered, but did not win, watch your email for a special offer from Holly Sisson Photography just for entering!
Watch for my photography session with Jeanine and Brigitte on this photography blog. Thanks again to everyone who entered and supported Project Love.
by Holly