Category Archives: Animals

Noah’s Family Birthday Get-Together

The other weekend my family came over so we could celebrate Noah’s 9th Birthday. Unfortunately Noah was too quick for me when he blow out the candles, I completely missed it! Oh well, maybe next year! My mother’s dog, Simon, came along to join the fun. You may remember Simon from a shoot I did […]

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Cats & Hamster: Pet Photography, Toronto

Trying to catch up on my blogging, here is the first of a number of posts to come. Friends went away skiing for March Break, so my daughter and I were on cat sitting duty. I decided to take a few photographs, since the house was quiet with no kids or excited puppy. You may […]

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My Birthday Boy!

My son Noah turned 9 today! Caught these two photos of him on the way home from school: But on the weekend he had his big birthday party with his friends from school. On Saturday he helped me bake a cake: On Sunday morning we iced and decorated the cake: Noah enjoyed the left over […]

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Our Family Pets

I happened to have my camera out, with the flash on, when I popped into my daughter’s room. How could I resist capturing some photos of her hamster Norbert? Isn’t he cute? (His only downfall is he bites!) Whenever he notices someone paying attention to him, he’ll come over to the bars of his cage […]

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