Trip to Ward’s Island: Toronto, Ontario Photographer

A few weeks ago a friend and I took my kids and went across to Ward’s Island. Despite the ongoing Toronto strike, it was not at all difficult to get across to the Island as there is a smaller ferry (water taxi) that makes regular trips to and from the Islands. Public washrooms are also open on the Island.

I decided to bring along my Lensbaby lens for a change.

Caught this one of Noah as we were in the ferry about to depart to the Island:


Noah braved the cold of the water right away:


Equipment Used: The following were taken with the Canon 70–200 f2.8L IS lens.

It was an absolutely PERFECT day! It was breezy coming across on the ferry, but once we got to the beach there was no wind to speak of, a beautiful summer day, which have been in very short supply here in Toronto this summer!


Rebecca decided the water was way too cold, she enjoyed the beach:


Noah brought toys from home to play with:


Then he and his sister enjoyed the beach together:


The long zoom of a 200 mm lens is perfect for shots like this! Well away from the splashing of the water!


Rebecca returns from a washroom break:


Noah really braved the water at this point! Right in there swimming:



He was freezing when he came out, I think he was glad I insisted that he bring a warm jacket!


For the trip back I changed back to the Lensbaby lens again, caught these two sunset skyline shots on the way across to the mainland:



The Lensbaby lens is especially fun for evening/nighttime shots as the lights in the background create such cool bokeh.



Ward’s Island is a wonderful way to spend a beautiful summer day! Let’s hope we have more beautiful sunny weekends like this one, rather then what we’ve had this current weekend which is lots of rain and thunder!

Project Love Event: July 23rd, Toronto, Ontario

Please join me at the Project Love Rally on July 23rd. Hosted by Fuzion House and Voglie Resto Lounge, this event will include 4 floors, 3 patios, live bands, a fashion show and a photo exhibit by me!

For more information, please see facebook for the Project Love event page, or see the very bottom of this blog posting.

I am also pleased to announce judges for the local Project Love contest. Monica, from Just Around the Corner (an upscale neighbourhood newsletter about local shops and services), and Janine, from beautygeeks (a fabulous blog about ALL things beauty) will join me in helping to decide on the winner of the photography session.

If you would like to win a photography session with me, click here for more details on Project Love.

Here are some photos from a photo shoot to promote the Project Love Event:






If you would like to see more photos from this shoot, please click here to view the online gallery of images.

Project Love Rally
Hosts: Fuzion, Voglie, and Holly Sisson
Type: Causes – Rally
Start Time: Thursday, July 23, 2009 at 8:00 pm
End Time: Friday, July 24, 2009 at 2:00 am
Location: Voglie & Fuzion Combined!
Street: 580 & 582 Church Street, Toronto

Hero, one very sweet cat! Toronto, Ontario Photography

We had a VERY special visitor come to our house the other day, this is Hero, a beautiful lynx point “Neva Masquerade” Siberian. The breeder was kind enough to bring Hero (who is 4 1/2 mths old) for a visit to see how Noah handles the breed. Noah has an allergy to cats and Siberians are known to be much easier to tolerate then an average cat. (Equipment Used: All images were taken with the Canon 85 f1.2L lens.)

Hero belongs to a very nice breeder located here in Toronto, and what a sweetie he is! Not only is he beautiful, but he has the most amazing personality of any cat I have ever met!



He was amazing with Noah, very tolerate of being handled and held:


Look how relaxed he is hanging out with my son! It was wonderful to see Noah having the fun and enjoyment of playing with him:


Of course Rebecca also adored him:


The lynx point has colour on the face, paws, tail which is striped, like a tabby, which creates a gorgeous cat:



He is such a beauty, he is going to make great kittens:


Just before the breeder left she demonstrated the ‘cat-show’ pose, no complaints from Hero!


Siberians are heralded as the “dog of the cat world”. They bond with their owners and want to be with them. They do not run and hide when visitors arrive, but instead come and greet them, as most dogs do. They are also known to be lap cats, honestly I don’t think I could ask for anything more personality-wise! I am very excited and happy (as are my children) that we have placed ourselves on the waiting list for a kitten, which will hopefully arrive early in the new year.

I am very hopeful that Noah will be able to tolerate the kitten and we will have many happy years with the new addition to the family. I will be taking additional measures to ensure the success of this venture, such as bathing the kitten from a young age, keeping her out of my son’s bedroom, etc. I believe that growing up with a wonderful pet, such as our kitten will be, is a fun and valuable learning experience for a child to grow up with.

Of course watch for the many photos that will be posted to this blog when the new addition arrives!

The V Family: Family Photography, Toronto, Ontario

Here are some shots from my most recent family photography session.

(See “My Camera Equipment” in footer section for links/more information on camera equipment used.)

I couldn’t resist capturing some shots of Dad reading with his youngest daughter, shot with the Canon 85 f1.2L lens:


After everyone was ready we headed out to a local park, love this shot of the girls up in a tree, shot with the Canon 24–70 mm f2.8L lens:


Dad and youngest daughter, loving the moment and the bokeh in the background, shot at f3.2 with the Canon 85 f1.2L lens:


The whole family:


Loving the dramatic lighting, shot at f1.2 with the Canon 85 f1.2L lens:


The youngest has beautiful blue eyes!:


Thank you to the V family for a fun summer afternoon!

Corporate/Personal Headshots: Toronto, Ontario

Liz, from Manifest, needed some new corporate headshots as well as some photos for her comedy improv work. We met up at Verity for her photoshoot.

Equipment Used: All the images here were shot with either the Canon 24–70 mm f2.8L lens or the Canon 85 f1.2L lens.

Verity is a wonderful location for a photoshoot as there are so many different backgrounds/locations to work with. We started in a meeting room with natural brick walls:


My fabulous friend, Janine, from, did the make-up for the shoot and she did a fab job, wish I had her available to do make-up for me every day! Here we moved outside to the back deck/patio area:



Just a little touch-up:


Then, in the drizzle, we did some shots in the back alley just for fun. Gives the shoot an urban feel and a great juxtaposition with the gritty alley against the sharp business suit:


Then it really started to rain, so we moved back indoors and borrowed one of the gorgeous hotel rooms available at Verity for a few more shots:




At the very end we moved out to a common area where I placed one of the fabulous pieces of artwork (which are everywhere at Verity!) into the background for a soft dreamy backdrop:


Thank you again Janine! And thank you Liz, it was so much fun!

shariJune 26, 2009 - 6:35 pm

wow, she is gorgeous, holly! beautiful images!

janineJune 26, 2009 - 9:57 pm

Liz has the prettiest eyes, yes?? Great shots, Holly — lovely lighting! Someone should have told the makeup artist to fix her hair and put on some makeup though… *grin*