Photography Workshop

I had the amazing experience of attending a photography workshop recently. Though rather time consuming to get to from Toronto, it was worth the 11.5 hour journey down and the 13.5 hour journey home.

After we arrived, I went down to the beach:




The next day we did some shooting with one of the instructors:






The next day we did some shooting on the beach. At first Ella was nervous and wanted to hang with her mom:






But then she warmed up to the group:







And then the shoot was over:


Some shots from the last night, the calm before the storm that blew in the next day:








We couldn’t get out and about the next day, due to rain and wind, but I managed to captured the following two photos of my roommate, Josée, before we had to head to the airport:



Virgil, our next door neighbour, hung out with us most of the time as well:


And as nice as it is to get away, especially to somewhere so beautiful, it sure is nice to come home again!

KristiSeptember 29, 2008 - 7:36 am

Holly….love the shots of Ella and her mother…really wonderful work. Looks as though it was a great experience

KatieSeptember 29, 2008 - 2:34 pm

Holly – these are GREAT!! i LOVE the ones of my boys and my nieces together. Great of EVERYONE in the picture! The ones of the sunset are amazing. great job!! I will be in Quebec in November…any chance you live near there?? We will be at the Frontenac. anyway…nice job!

nicoleSeptember 29, 2008 - 6:03 pm


what a dream location and your photos are amazing!

SofiaSeptember 29, 2008 - 8:06 pm

WOW, your work inspires me. Amazing bokeh and DOF. I love every single shot you’ve taken.
Holly you have an amazing eye.
Keep up the good work

alice parkSeptember 29, 2008 - 9:09 pm

love these! especially the ones of Josee!

JanineSeptember 29, 2008 - 11:21 pm

Hi Holly — keep after those mags. You’ve got some lovely stuff here. I’ll give your info to my sister-in-law. She must know folks who would like what you do. 🙂

Cathy Lockhart-MeisnerSeptember 30, 2008 - 8:17 am

Holly, you are truly a wonderful photographer (Amazing Photo’s) all I can say is WoW!!!

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