The D Family: Family Photography, Toronto, Ontario

I recently had the pleasure of photographing Robin, Pete and their children, Jack and William.

We ended up fighting the weather a bit, but it ended up working out, the sun even made an appearance. We started the shoot in their backyard, where I captured William at play:


Caught this shot of Jack when we all took cover from the light rain that had started:


Thankfully it cleared up and we moved to the kids’ school yard, for more fun and photos. Love this shot of mom and her boys:


Dad joined in:


Loving this brotherly shot, so cute:


Made use of the sun that appeared for a backlit family photo:


Here’s one of just mom and dad that I captured:


Thank you Robin, Pete, Jack and William for the fun afternoon!

Few More of Alice!

I took these shots of Alice a week ago, but I’ve been sick with a cold, and then both of my kids got sick with the flu (are, thankfully, recovering now), so computer time has been in short supply! I think she has really grown so will have to try and capture some shots on the weekend. Right now she is snoozing on my lap, if you want a friendly, good natured cat companion I don’t think you can go wrong with a Siberian, especially from our breeder.

Alice is quite tricky to photograph when she is awake, now, because she is so active! I put something on the floor in my office to amuse her and keep her in the nice window light:




Then I just had to capture her being a nutty kitty on the stairs, so funny how she aches her back and runs sideways. She has a great time playing on the stair too…wish I had a better video setup so I could capture it in motion:


ElaineOctober 9, 2010 - 8:10 am

Your pictures of your cat Alice are amazing! Your photography is so inspirational & I can’t wait to be photographing my kitten soon when I get her in 2 weeks!

P.S wishing you were in Australia to photograph my pets! It’s a shame =[

The New Addition to the Family: Toronto Family Photography

Allow me to introduce you to the newest member of our family, Alice. She is the sweetest little girl, who came from a wonderful breeder located just outside of Toronto.





Last night she snuggled right in with Rebecca, she loves to lie on our laps and be with us:


Here she is snuggling with Noah:



Watch for many more images to come!

Rebecca, the 13th Birthday Girl!

My girl is 13-years-old today, and she received a very special gift from me for the big day. I’ve been dying to give it to her since I picked it up on Friday morning…and I had to wait even longer as she had a sleepover at a friends last night, so didn’t get home until lunch time, but she was so thrilled with her gift:





She was thrilled with the colour of the guitar as well, black being her fave (non) colour. She just re-dyed her hair blue-black…which you may remember from last year when we had a nice mother/daughter lunch out for her birthday.

After lunch her best friend, Jo Kim, came over and came along with us while we ran some errands.


Stopped at Over the Rainbow to check out hats, and for Noah to load up on jujubes:



Noah was my elusive subject for the day, I had to sneak in photos of him:



Almost home, the girls ham it up:



Once home we made “5 Minute Chocolate Mug Cakes“, which you may remember from this post (with the recipe), so Rebecca could blow out some candles (real birthday cake will came in two weeks with a family celebration):


Now it’s time for a special b-day dinner, banana waffles with chocolate chips, a fave! (Equipment Used: All images were shot with the Canon 85 f1.2L lens.)

GordonNovember 6, 2009 - 1:13 pm

sweet looking guitar!

October 2009 EatSavvy: Commercial Food Photography, Toronto

Can you guess the inspiration for this month’s EatSavvy Shoot? If you guessed Pumpkin, you are correct!

From Pumpkin and Apple Soup, to a dinner party meal of Pumpkin Risotto, a family meal of Pumpkin Chili, to yummy Pumpkin Pancakes (will be making these for the kids!), nutritious and delicious pumpkin was put to good use.

(Equipment Used: First two images were shot with the Canon 85 f1.2L lens, just love the bokeh from that lens! The reminder were shot with the Canon 24–70 mm f2.8L lens, which is so versatile for these types of shoots.)




