June 2009 EatSavvy: Commercial Food Photography

Another yummy EatSavvy shoot! This month the focus was on sausage and fresh produce/greens.

(See “My Camera Equipment” in footer section for links/more information on camera equipment used.)

Love this shot I captured of the sausages on the grill, definitely the decisive moment! 😉 (Captured with the Canon 24–70 mm f2.8L lens.)


The Family Meal shot: Grilled Sausage Dog:


The ingredient shot:




Lazy Summer Paella, the Dinner Party meal:


Beans, one of the nutritional highlights:


We didn’t end up using this shot, but am posting it here anyway!


Well, working on this blog post has made me hungry! Off to have some dinner now!

janineJune 24, 2009 - 9:43 pm

I don’t like lemonade. But suddenly I’m craving some. I blame you.

SebrinaJune 25, 2009 - 11:01 am

Oh I can see I am going to love your blog!!!! Gorgeous!!!!!

Baptism: Toronto Event Photography

Last Sunday I had the pleasure of photographing my first Baptism. The sweetest little girl, nicknamed “Blueberry”, with big blue eyes and a wonderful happy personality! She reminded me of my daughter!

I started with some photos of the Baptism gown:


Here is little ‘Blueberry’, isn’t she adorable?



She was a happy camper while being dressed in her gown:




Couldn’t resist this photo as she traveled downstairs to greet the guests:


Blue, blue eyes!


Love this moment that mom, dad and daughter share:


The Church where the ceremony was held was beautiful:



Mom and daughter on their way in:


The big event:


Friends and family gather around after:


Mom and daughter share a moment:


Hanging out with one of her grandmas:


Sharing a moment with her dad:


And loved this moment with family friends:


Before I departed, a photo of the cake and flowers:


Thank you to Blueberry’s parents for giving me the honour of photographing this special day!

janineJune 24, 2009 - 9:41 pm

I love these baptism photos, Holly! You’re so good at capturing wonderful moments, and somehow without extra lighting you make everyone look so good, fresh and radiant and lively.

sara-anneJune 25, 2009 - 11:37 am

These are beautiful Holly..I love the the actual baptism shot…beautiful!

Turtle, Softball & Fun Fair: Toronto Family Photographer

We actually had a beautiful night for softball last week, and as we passed a local park, on the way to the game, I saw my neighbour out with his turtle, Rusty, so stopped and grabbed some very quick shots:



Then we continued on our way…


Though had to pause for a moment to tie up our shoes…


Then we were flying down the stairs to the game:


Only a few more games left. I brought the Canon 24–70 mm f2.8L lens for a change rather then my usual Canon 70–200 f2.8L IS lens:







This past weekend was the yearly ‘Fun Fair’ at my son’s school, so here’s a few shots from the day. Noah volunteered for the dunk tank, his sister and her friend from school hit the button to dunk him:


Afterward he dried off:


Rebecca also took a turn in the dunk tank, but I missed the big event, BOO!


This was really funny! Aiden Orange, who was recently on The Ellen Show, was performing at the school Fun Fair! The kids and I just recently saw the episode, I didn’t recognize him until he started the lawnmower trick! The BIG dream of my Project Love event is to photograph Ellen & Portia for their upcoming one year anniversary on August 16th. You can see the youtube video about my quest here. Or read more about the Toronto part of Project Love here.


Here’s a shot of the lawnmower trick:


The Fun Fair was a fabulous success, and the weather was perfect this year! Once the fair is done I just know that the end of the school year will be here before we know it!

The T Family: Family Photography, Toronto, Ontario

I had a wonderful family session with the T Family this past weekend! So hard to limit my favs to only these!

We started off in their backyard:


Absolutely ADORE this one!


Sophie has a fabulous bedroom, with a really cool canopy over her bed, so we took just a few photos, this is a fav:


Then we headed out to the local ice cream shoppe, here’s one of Sophie and her Dad:


One of my favourite places for photos in our hood, under a railway bridge:


Then Mom and Dad took a turn:


Love the bokeh in this image (shot with the Canon 85 f1.2L lens):


Sophie in the shoppe with her ice cream cone:


Love the light breeze blowing her hair:


Fun wide-angle, on an angle (shot with the Canon 24–70 mm f2.8L lens):


Making our way home:


Thank you for the fun afternoon T Family! So glad the rain held off for our shoot! 🙂

Kimberly KyleJune 1, 2009 - 10:00 pm

Awesome session! What wonderful memories you have captured for them.

Beach Shoot: Toronto Natural Light Photography

Had an AWESOME evening out with some follow photographers. Met up with Leigh, Nicole (Leigh’s friend/assistant) and Rebecca, and did some shooting on the beach before going for dinner.

Captured this shot of Leigh as we sat for a few minutes, upon our arrival, discussing our plan of ‘action’. I started out shooting with the Canon 24–70 mm f2.8L lens:


As we wandered down the beach we spotted this adorable puppy named “Trooper”, so CUTE!



This shot made me wish that I had brought along my Canon 70–200 f2.8L IS lens so I could have really zoomed in on him as he ran, unfortunately I left that lens at home (it’s rather heavy!), so had to crop in the frame for this image (but still, so CUTE! Look at those ears!):






Eventually Trooper had to go home, sniff, but we were not lonely for long as we came upon these cuties, who were obviously ready for their close-ups:



I really like this shot, angle, shallow depth of field, beautiful dog:


Like this one very much too!


Then we turned our attention to photographing each other, you can see Rebecca’s ‘bump’ in this shot, believe she said she’s just over three months along…her daughter will have a sibling soon to play with! I have switched over the Canon 85 f1.2L lens for the next shots:


We were enjoying the backlight, perfect light!


Caught a few more of Leigh:



And Nicole! I can’t believe this is the only shot I captured of you! Holding up the reflector! I’m going to capture your beautiful blue eyes next time…maybe I’ll bring the Canon 100 mm f2.8 macro lens! 😉





Whoa! Serious backlight! LOVE!


Then we brought out the good stuff, bubbles from Germany! (And now I know where to find them too!!!)



After all the fun of shooting we finished up with a FAB meal at “The Nose” (Gio Rana’s Really Really Nice Restaurant, 1220 Queen St. E.), the food is amazing! Think we’ll be going back there on our next outing as well! The restaurant has these amazing large images throughout the restaurant, very cool!




Looking forward to our next get-together Leigh, Rebecca and Nicole!

amieJune 21, 2009 - 1:17 am

hi, just wanted to ask how did you shoot pic #21 (the backlight pic)?
been trying to shoot with natural backlight but didn’t end up good 🙁

HollyJune 21, 2009 - 9:07 am

Backlit photos can be tricky as the camera can have a difficult time focusing. I have had that issue myself, and don’t really have any recommendations other then to keep trying/practicing. Good luck.