Urban Couple Shoot: Couple Photography, Toronto, Ontario

Dann and Bob saw my earlier urban couple shoot and contacted me to do a shoot for them. They have been married for 12 years and it’s so nice to see a couple that enjoys each other’s company so much! We had a wonderful time wandering around Liberty Village and finding cool backdrops for the images. Thanks for the fun afternoon guys!

Dann and Bob

Dann and Bob

Dann and Bob

Dann and Bob

Dann and Bob

Dann and Bob

Dann and Bob

KimMay 22, 2008 - 8:58 pm

these are great. I love the color.

[…] and Tim found me through their friends Dann & Bob, and I’m glad they did as we had a super fun shoot this past […]

The B.N.-Family: Toronto Newborn Photography

Nate made his arrival, almost right on his due date too! (You may remember mom’s maternity session.)

We started up the gas fireplace to make Nate cozy, and hopefully sleepy! (Well, that part didn’t really work! lol)

Shiki, who was nervous of the camera during the maternity session, wasn’t nervous at all this time! I love this shot of her! She’s so cute!

Nate, almost falling asleep….

Love this one of Nate ‘drunk’ on momma’s milk! (I caught him as he was being burped!)

At the end I was able to capture a quiet moment between Mom, Dad and newborn Nate:

Tracey and Jeff, thanks for being so patient as we tried to wait out Nate getting sleepy…of course newborns have their own ideas and schedules, as all parents know! 🙂

Shannon LittrellMay 9, 2008 - 9:06 am

Beautiful! I love the black and white images best! Great job!

Pet Photography: Toronto, Ontario

One more of Simon…colour version of a bw posted below:


[…] mother’s day gift to my mother was this beautiful shot of her dog Simon, as an 18″ x 12″ gallery wrapped […]

[…] Simon (shot with the Canon EOS-1D MarkIV, Canon 85 f1.2L lens and Canon 580EX II Speedlite): […]

[…] mother’s day gift to my mother was this beautiful shot of her dog Simon, as an 18″ x 12″ gallery wrapped […]

Pet Photography: Toronto, Ontario

A few shots from yesterday in High Park. Even though I also brought along my Canon 24–70 f2.8L lens, I only shot with my Canon 70–200 f2.8L IS lens, and it did an awesome job. Next time I’ll keep it simple and only bring the 70–200!

First is Simon, my mother’s Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. He is such a sweet dog:






And then some of my friend Josee’s Boxer, Sugar (whenever I hear her name I always think of that old Archie’s song, “Sugar, Ah Honey, Honey, You are my candy girl…):


With a little texture:


Texture + Holga effect:

[…] My mother’s dog, Simon, came along to join the fun. You may remember Simon from a shoot I did of him in High Park profiled in a previous blog posting: […]

[…] shot of Simon hanging out on the […]

[…] shot of Simon hanging out on the […]

[…] My mother’s dog, Simon, came along to join the fun. You may remember Simon from a shoot I did of him in High Park profiled in a previous blog posting: […]