We waited until about 4 pm to head to the park on Sunday, hoping it had cooled down just a bit which, thankfully, it had!
Noah, shot wide open to maximize the bokeh:

Rebecca, and more bokeh!

The kids found some left over water balloons from the Fun Fair on Saturday, here Noah is running from his sister, who’s trying to throw a balloon at him:

It was all fun and games until his big sister did something silly by emptying a whole water balloon on him, he was not happy 🙁 (and she immediately regretted it as then he didn’t want to play anymore!)

Then she proposed that he empty a balloon over top of his head, he took her up on that!

And he was happy again!

Before we headed home we met Tucker! What a cutie!

And then, luckily, we got home before the weather turned! I can’t say I enjoy the crazy weather systems that come along with the heat and humidity!
by Holly