It’s all gone to the dogs…

…and cat and fish! Here are a few shots of dogs, one cat and one fish, taken over the last six months or so (except for the Simon puppy shots which are from September ’06).

My mother’s dog, Simon, as a cute little puppy:
Puppy Simon

A little older here, but still a puppy:
Simon with a squeaky toy

A shot of Simon from this past summer:
Summertime Simon

Simon dressed-up from this past Halloween:
Halloween Simon

Ashley, George and Graeme’s dog. You can see the colour version on my old blog here.

Jeff and Krista’s dog Biscuit. This was shot at the end of their urban couple shoot, so it was just a quick capture:

My mother’s cat, Milo, from this past summer:

Close-up of the above shot to show the amazing detail in Milo’s irises (shot with the 70-200 f2.8L IS lens @ 200mm f3.2 ISO 160):
Close-up Mylo

A globe-eyed goldfish shot with the Lensbaby G3 with macro lens attachment:
Lensbaby Goldfish

Gordon McGregorDecember 13, 2007 - 12:29 pm

Some great pet pictures Holly – awesome colour as ever.

Examples of My Photography

Can be seen hanging on the walls at my friend George’s beautiful flower shop.

Here’s a framed photograph from a recent couple shoot:
Urban Couple Shoot

Here’s a framed photograph from a recent newborn shoot. It is absolutely gorgeous framed:
Beautiful Newborn Photograph

Here’s a framed photograph of my daughter, shot this past summer:
Child Photograph Example

Here is a Lensbaby G3 shot of a flower from Urban Eden Flower Shoppe:
Beautiful Flowers

This one was shot with my 100 mm f2.8 macro lens:
Beautiful Flowers

A colourful example shot with the Lensbaby G3:
Beautiful Flowers

I will post some more examples, of flowers from George’s Flower Shoppe, over the coming days.

TammyDecember 3, 2007 - 9:46 pm

Hey Holly — these look GREAT! Congrats!


Allison FDecember 4, 2007 - 8:56 pm

Holly – These look fantastic!!! I even love the photos of your photos! I hope they get a lot of attention and get your phone ringing off the hook. Nice work!

A 🙂