First Sign of Spring, Out & About in the Park

I decided to give my Canon 70–200 f2.8L IS lens some loving, and also experiment with using it with an
extension tube attached to achieve closer focus then normally possible with that lens.

I captured this early sign of spring, this lens gives great bokeh:


Then ‘tried’ to capture some shots of the children, after socializing with other parents, in the park:





Caught this one shot of Maddy (whom you may remember from this blog post). Perhaps next time she’ll be on the loose in the park and I can really put that 200 mm to work!


Only two more blog posts to go, then I’ll be caught up…not sure if I’ll have time to get to them today or not though (but I will try). 🙂

Cats & Hamster: Pet Photography, Toronto

Trying to catch up on my blogging, here is the first of a number of posts to come.

Friends went away skiing for March Break, so my daughter and I were on cat sitting duty. I decided to take a few photographs, since the house was quiet with no kids or excited puppy. You may remember these pussy cats from an earlier blog post, in this shot it’s hard to tell that Roblin only has one eye:


Misty was much more co-operative:


I was playing around that weekend with an extension tube attached to my Canon 100 mm f2.8 macro lens, so I could focus even closer then usual, and captures some more shots of Rebecca’s hamster Norbert, whom you may remember from earlier blog posts (also including the link above). Here he is climbing for his beloved milk drop:


And here he is finding said beloved milk drop:







Will blog more today, this is the first of four updates to my blog.

March 2009 EatSavvy: Commercial Food Photography

Another delicious EatSavvy shoot! This month the focus was on fish.

We made some yummy Fish Tacos, the salsa really makes this dish:



Fish Quesadillas was the toddler dish:


Grilled Tilapia with Lemon-Almond Pesto was the dinner party dish:


And Fish Chowder rounded out the meals as the make-ahead dish:


As always, I look forward to the next EatSavvy shoot and what I’ll be photographing and then eating!

sara-anneApril 8, 2009 - 2:14 pm

Those look amazingly yummy!!!

HollyApril 8, 2009 - 5:00 pm

It was very yummy! 🙂

janineMay 4, 2009 - 12:51 pm

Keep sending your images out to the mags, lady. Great stuff. Am hungry now, thanks to you, and the series with Noah going nuts on Pigeon Day was wonderful!

HollyMay 4, 2009 - 3:03 pm

Thanks Janine!

Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies: Food Photography, Toronto

On Tuesday Noah and I made a very yummy batch of Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies (see recipe below). A mom from Noah’s school was kind enough to share the recipe, as I’ve been searching for a fantastic oatmeal cookie recipe, and this one fits the bill!








Since we already had the oven heated up, I thought I would throw another batch of cornbread into the oven. On Sunday I had made this Cornbread recipe from Whole Foods. Noah loved it. Rebecca wasn’t as keen. And it wasn’t quite what I was looking for either.

So then I tried this recipe from This time Rebecca loved it, and Noah wasn’t as keen—but it sure didn’t stop him from eating almost all of it!


The recent Caramelized Onion and Goat Cheese Cornbread recipe posted on, sounds awesome. But I know my son won’t eat it, and Rebecca didn’t like the sound of it (and I don’t want to be stuck eating the WHOLE thing). So my search for the perfect cornbread recipe continues….

After all that baking I took a break and had a yummy Vanilla Red Tea latté made with steamed vanilla soya milk, yum!


I made Noah his usual hot chocolate:


Now, here’s the recipe:

Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies

  • ½ cup unsalted butter, room temperature
  • ½ cup sugar
  • ½ cup light brown sugar
  • 1 egg
  • 1 cup flour
  • 1 tsp. baking soda
  • 1 tsp. salt
  • 1 cup oats
  • ½ cup chocolate chips

Preheat oven at 350°. Mix the butter and sugars and blend until smooth. Add the egg and beat until creamy. Then add flour, salt, baking soda, and oats and mix together. Add chips and bake for 12 minutes. Enjoy!

A few notes, I used whole oats (not quick-cooking oats). I’m not sure what the mom who gave me the recipe usually uses…I’ll have to ask her the next time I see her. I also doubled the recipe, and it didn’t make a lot, next time I will probably triple it. I used half whole wheat flour and half Robin Hood nutri flour blend, to make them a bit healthier.

Watch for the next edition of EatSavvy photos soon!

ManuellaMarch 21, 2009 - 9:13 am

mmmm they look yummy. I love how you take pics of everything, when I cook something, the last thing I want to do is take pics while in the process, I only end up taking pics of the final product,lol.

Kensington Market/Yorkville Park

The kids and I went down to Kensington Market this past Saturday with a friend. I decided to ONLY bring my lensbaby to shoot with as I haven’t done much shooting with it lately.

Rebecca, giving me the ‘look’:


In the Blue Banana Market, they have these cool pieces of artwork going up the stairs, numbers and @ sign, cut out of steel (or something) and painted. I thought the colour and texture was cool so took some macro shots with the lensbaby of the edges:



After we were hungry, so got some yummy meat patties, Noah was having fun watching the pigeons overhead:


Noah bought some funky glasses at the Blue Banana Market:


Caught this last shot of Noah, laughing, as we arrived back at the car:


On Sunday we headed down to Bloor Street to run some errands (the following were all shot with the 85 1.2L):



After our errands we went to the ‘big rock’ in Yorkville. Rebecca sat and applied nail polish, which didn’t end up being a great idea when she started moving and messed it up!



They both had fun running around on top of the big rock:









We stopped and had some lunch at Whole Foods on the way home:



I managed to get in front of the kids to capture a few shots:



Noah stopped in at the corner store, and Rebecca and I waited for him:



Noah is happy with his haul of sour keys (bag in left hand):


Today Noah and I baked yummy Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies…watch for photos in the next few days….

ManuellaMarch 21, 2009 - 9:15 am

OOO I so want a lensbaby. Great shots, looks like you all had alot of fun.