Yes, we are now a two cat household as Zoe has moved on to a better place…and is a much happier cat because of it.
She was really stressed living with the two other cats, especially Alice who really seemed to despise her for some reason. So we found her a new home where she is a one and only, and she has settled in beautifully. We hope to be paying a visit to her soon, and I’ll definitely try and capture some photos of her in her new abode.
Here’s a last macro close-up I took of her, going to miss those green eyes of hers:

Love this shot of Finnegan, he looks a little wind blown hanging out under the dining room table. He didn’t seem to miss Zoe at all, but he’s a laid back kinda guy:

Alice, on the other hand, was looking around for Zoe at the first meal time after she was gone. She would also come out into the main part of the apartment in the morning looking around for her.

I actually got Zoe to look at me for a nice shot of her, yea! 🙂

We REALLY spoiled her in her last few days with us, letting her lick out food bowls. She was in heaven! She loves her snacks/treats/meal time:

Alice loves looking out the windows. She seems much more relaxed now that Zoe is gone. I guess it was stressful for her as well:

We could never leave toys out for the cats to play with when Zoe was here, because otherwise we’d be awoken in the middle of the night with Zoe’s insane meowing. She liked to walk around with the toy in her mouth meowing/howling to the world. You can see Alice watching below for me to throw one of her fave toys, which is a white furry ball that makes noise when it moves. Last photo is her curled up underneath a chair ottoman:

(Equipment used: Canon EOS-1D MarkIV (new version of this camera is the Canon EOS-1D X Digital), Canon 100 mm f2.8 macro lens, Canon 50 f1.4 lens & Canon 85 f1.2L lens)
by Holly