Client Storyboard: Family Photography, Toronto, Ontario

Here is a product shot of a storyboard a client ordered for the holidays. Size is almost 32″ by 12″. File was output on a Chromira printer on Kodak paper with 100 year longevity under normal lighting. The client didn’t want to have to worry about framing, so I had it mounted on Dibond with two u-channels in the back (on at the top, the other at the bottom) so the storyboard will kind of float on the wall. I laid the storyboard on a table for this shot:


The storyboard looks gorgeous, I will have to visit the client to see it hanging on their wall!

The T-Family: Family Photography, Toronto, Ontario

It was a mild day, but very rainy, so our outdoor shoot was scraped (for the most part). Instead we hung out at their home and did photos there (a mixture of natural light/flash).

I caught this shot of William pretty quickly:

This is young Jacques, and his beloved violin:

All I can think, when I see this shot of William drinking his hot chocolate is—coffee lover one day! 😉

Young Jacques:

Young William is really quite the character! Both were such sweet boys.

At one point we went outside as they have a front porch:

Mom and Dad were great sports and went out front, in the rain, for some shots. Here is Alice:

And here’s Alice and Alex:
—they were so wet!

Here’s a shot of Alex, once we went back inside:

Extended family came over for some shots, here’s an out-take of William with his aunt and uncle:

At the end of the shoot it was time for young Jacques to nap, and after he was asleep his mom and I stole upstairs for some pictures. It really took me back to when my children were that age…though my son certainly isn’t as sound a sleeper as Jacques is!

This one was shot through the bars of the crib:

And the last shot of the session was a shot of those beautiful toddler feet…Alex (the daddy) is tall…one day those feet won’t be so small and cute! 😉

Thank you Alice and Alex! It was wonderful to spend the time with you and your family!

AliceDecember 24, 2007 - 10:36 am

Hi Holly, It was a pleasure to have you spend the day with us yesterday. Alex and I enjoyed it as did the kids. The picts are great and I know this is only a sneak peak. thanks, Alice

Kimberly KyleDecember 27, 2007 - 5:31 pm

Beautiful natural shots. I want someone to do this for my family one day.

marisaJanuary 10, 2008 - 3:51 pm

what fun way to see a family. loved your comments and the lovely ending.

Bryan, Sofia & NoahJanuary 16, 2008 - 10:16 pm

I love the way you capture family pictures as they should be capture.
very beautiful.

Just a quick 5 minute shoot…

…of my friend Jeff, in the driveway next to my house. You may recognize him from my urban couple shoot back in October.

I love this shot, I think he looks like he belongs in GQ Magazine, or similar. Colour version, then bw, then textured bw:



Then a few more from the quick, just for fun, session:





Thanks Jeff! 🙂

[…] For one of the camps all the girls had their hair and make-up done, so we took a few photos in the driveway next to our house (shot with the Canon 85 f1.2L […]

[…] For one of the camps all the girls had their hair and make-up done, so we took a few photos in the driveway next to our house (shot with the Canon 85 f1.2L […]

[…] one was taken in the driveway beside my house. You may remember photographs of my friend Jeff, taken in the same location almost a year […]

[…] a colour version of the textured bw photo of my friend Jeff that I posted […]

[…] who you may recognize from this blog posting (wearing the same hat/jacket, lol!), is at my favorite outdoor location in my new ‘hood, […]