The P, M & Y Family: Family Photography, Toronto, Ontario

This was another large (extended family) shoot, and what a wonderfully nice family!

Justine, on the left below, found me online and the family hired me to photograph kids, parents and grandparents.

Here is Chloe, with her mom and grandmother, love this shot of the three generations!:


Chloe and her brother Kelly, LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this moment!


Kelly is going to be a heartbreaker when he grows up! Beautiful boy! Such a sparkle in his eyes!


Love this moment caught between mother and daughter:


This is Justine’s beautiful sister, Vanessa with her son Max in the background:


Love the soulful look Max is giving the camera, brother Noah is in the background:


How could I resist showing you a close-up of Noah and his beautiful eyes? I couldn’t!


Love this moment between Vanessa’s daughter, Julie, with her mom and dad:


Even though Julie is not terribly happy in this shot, I still love it! Love the bracelets, the shiny black boots, and the look that is so much a three year old!


There were SO many shots that I could have shared from this session, it was so hard to pick which ones to post! But these are definitely some of my favourites. Thank you for finding me online Justine! It was so wonderful to meet and photograph you and your family!

JanineOctober 27, 2008 - 7:20 am

What a beautiful family! And a beautiful photograph!

JanineOctober 27, 2008 - 7:23 am

At first I’d only seen the first photo of the three generations of women — previous comment is about that one. But the whole series is just gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous. I’m sending a link to my sister-in-law!

The P-Family: Family Photography, Toronto, Ontario

You may remember beautiful Maeve from a newborn session I did back in January, hasn’t she grown!


Check out those blue eyes!



She is just as sweet as she was when she was a newborn, she reminds me so much of my daughter as she’s just a happy baby!


Love this shot of the older siblings, Rhys and Kylie, as it reminds me of the upside down shot I did of them at the January session:


Love how Rhys is holding Maeve’s hand in this shot:


LOVE this shot of Maeve with big sister Kylie in the background! Maeve was just fascinated by her big sister’s shoes!


Love this shot of Mom and Dad in the background, they’re so cute!


Then the kids joined in!


Mom and Dad were so smart to book again now that Maeve is sitting, as babies change so much in the first year! And now they’ll have beautiful images to look back on and to remember this time in their family’s life! I look forward to catching many more images as your family continues to grow Christa and Kelly!

Photography Workshop

I had the amazing experience of attending a photography workshop recently. Though rather time consuming to get to from Toronto, it was worth the 11.5 hour journey down and the 13.5 hour journey home.

After we arrived, I went down to the beach:




The next day we did some shooting with one of the instructors:






The next day we did some shooting on the beach. At first Ella was nervous and wanted to hang with her mom:






But then she warmed up to the group:







And then the shoot was over:


Some shots from the last night, the calm before the storm that blew in the next day:








We couldn’t get out and about the next day, due to rain and wind, but I managed to captured the following two photos of my roommate, Josée, before we had to head to the airport:



Virgil, our next door neighbour, hung out with us most of the time as well:


And as nice as it is to get away, especially to somewhere so beautiful, it sure is nice to come home again!

KristiSeptember 29, 2008 - 7:36 am

Holly….love the shots of Ella and her mother…really wonderful work. Looks as though it was a great experience

KatieSeptember 29, 2008 - 2:34 pm

Holly – these are GREAT!! i LOVE the ones of my boys and my nieces together. Great of EVERYONE in the picture! The ones of the sunset are amazing. great job!! I will be in Quebec in November…any chance you live near there?? We will be at the Frontenac. anyway…nice job!

nicoleSeptember 29, 2008 - 6:03 pm


what a dream location and your photos are amazing!

SofiaSeptember 29, 2008 - 8:06 pm

WOW, your work inspires me. Amazing bokeh and DOF. I love every single shot you’ve taken.
Holly you have an amazing eye.
Keep up the good work

alice parkSeptember 29, 2008 - 9:09 pm

love these! especially the ones of Josee!

JanineSeptember 29, 2008 - 11:21 pm

Hi Holly — keep after those mags. You’ve got some lovely stuff here. I’ll give your info to my sister-in-law. She must know folks who would like what you do. 🙂

Cathy Lockhart-MeisnerSeptember 30, 2008 - 8:17 am

Holly, you are truly a wonderful photographer (Amazing Photo’s) all I can say is WoW!!!

September 2008 EatSavvy: Commercial Shoot

Some shots from this month’s EatSavvy shoot. EatSavvy will be published once a month, see this post to learn more.

It was another fun shoot, and I’ve included some out takes this month…enjoy!

We didn’t end up using this first shot, but I love the bokeh in it:


Can you guess what was on the menu? You can see the recipe here.


The dessert recipe can be found here:


You may remember our child model, Spencer, from this blog post on my old blog. Spencer’s mom, Denise, works at SavvyMom and is the EatSavvy editor:




Trevor Bond is the Creative Director during the EatSavvy shoots. Here he is impressing us with his ability to toss the pizza dough like a professional:



I can’t wait to see what’s on the menu for next month!

[…] Digital photography by Holly […]

ChristinaOctober 22, 2008 - 2:54 pm

Thank you so much for posting this about

Be sure to get your voice and local-expertise heard on!

Again, thank you!


Dragon: Noah’s Beta Fish

Since the family shoot I had scheduled yesterday was rained out, I decided to play around with off camera flash and take some photographs of my son’s beta fish for an assignment I was working on. The ‘theme’ for the assignment was ‘Shadows’, you can see my entry here, as well as all the other entries.

I choose this first one as my entry as I thought it had an interesting element, with the fish’s fins curled round as they are. Almost looks like a flower, and it isn’t obviously a fish at first glance.

I was shooting in a very dimly lit room, with only window light to see by, so I had to focus manually. I stopped down my aperture to f8, and reduced my flash output so as to only illuminate the fish but not the surroundings. I think the effect worked quite well.








Darcie BrownSeptember 11, 2008 - 8:40 pm

Those are beautiful. Nice work!

laraSeptember 16, 2008 - 12:42 pm

holly — these are WICKEDLY cool! great shots.

KristiSeptember 25, 2008 - 11:38 pm

Holly these are gorgeous!!!